[youtube 0JdzlRY48w8]
Las imaginile sa vorbeasca deoarece nu imi gasesc cuvinte sa-l caracterizez… in afara de sangeros, ciudat si foarte violent.
Este un SF, bazat pe ideea convietuirii oamenilor cu robotii, in domuri, dupa ce lumea a fost lovita de un dezastru. Tipa, Re-l, pleaca in investigarea a catorva crime, descoperind de fapt adevarata fata a societatii in care traieste.
Mai multe informati: link.
Pur si simplu un program care te ajuta la citirea de benzi desenate in format digital.
Nu stiu cat de mult va ajuta pe voi, dar totusi l-am pus aici sa fie in caz ca va paleste dorul de citit.
The tale of Afro Samurai is one of bloody hardship and pain. Along his solitary path of revenge for his murdered father, he sheds no tears and knows no love. Forever chased by powerful enemies in a lawless technology-speckled dystopia, he evades bullets and blade to reach his final prey: a man who will not die. But Afro will reach his quarry - even if it means painting a road of blood and brains from here to the bitter inevitable end. (Luat de pe anidb, review va veni.. mai tarziu )
Sunt aparute toate episoadele asa ca da-i bataie.